发布人:机电学院  发布时间:2018-04-16   浏览次数:318

Debate Contests Themed in Nineteenth Congress Held by School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering Came to an End


    Guided by the contents of Nineteenth Congress, School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering had started Debate Contests recently. The final contest was held at 7p.m. 10th April in Room 409 of the mechanical and electronic engineering building after several rounds, with presence of School Party Secretary Wang Pingfeng, Assistant School Party Secretary Xu Desheng, School Youth League Secretary Gao Hongxia and instructors.


    The final debate title was Which can Realize China Dream, Easier Said than Done or Easier Done than Said? At the start, the presenter gave a brief introduction of judges, guests and the pros and cons in the contest. The positive constituted by freshman major in telecommunication believed that easier done than said can realize China dream, while the negative constituted by freshman major in automation insisted that easier said than done can realize China dream. The students who reached the final were strong performers,which had been upgraded after several exciting rounds. In the final, both sides made great efforts to seeking  flaws and refuting the other, which continually contributed to thoughts. During the contest, both sides gave a full explanation of China dream and then pushed it to a climax by way of quoting and citing fearlessly. The final ended with the winner of the negative major in automation and the best debater Chen Qiying of the positive.



Wang Pingfeng gave incisive comments on the debaters from the following three aspectsstatement, argument and cooperation. School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering will bring the propaganda of Nineteenth Congress step into the new stage with the success of  debate contests.


(文/赖锡良、杨雨丹 图/绍心灵、万俊毅  )(译/金珊)  


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